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miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

The Shri Dhanvantari photo

La historia de imagen de Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi con los poderes de Dhanvantari , “deidad que corresponde al alivio de las enfermedades o el Gran Médico.”  (Shri Yogeshwara Puja, New Jersey, USA, October 1994)

Esta es la historia de la foto de Shri Dhanvantari. Se tomo en Satara, Maharashtra, em 1983. Yo era el único que sabía que esta foto se tomo allá. Un día estaba con un Sahaja Yogi Italiano que estaba casado con una Sahaja Yoiguimi India de Satara. El no supo que yo había tomado esta foto y de pronto comenzó a contarme esta historia. Shri Mataji le había dado esta foto a su esposa y le había dicho que esta foto era del aspecto de Shri Dhanvantari, quien cura.
La parte interesante es que su esposa es doctora de medicina ayurvedica y Satara es el lugar en India que seconsidera el lugar de la medicina ayurvedica y de la medicina en general. Shri Mataji estaba en Satara y allá tomo la forma de Shri Dhanvantari, lo cual muestra que Ella sabía exactamente el aspecto que tomaba.
Nadie sabía que yo había tomado esta foto y que había sido en Satara. En definitiva, la historia está llena de coincidencias.
Duillo Cartocci

      This is the story of the Shri Dhanvantari photo. It was taken in Satara, Maharashtra, in 1983. I was the only one who knew that this photo was taken there. One day I was with an Italian Sahaja Yogi and who is married to an Indian Sahaja Yogini from Satara. He didn’t know I had taken this photo, and suddenly he started telling me this story. Shri Mataji had given this photo to his wife and had said to her that this picture is the one of Shri Dhanvantari, the one who cures.

      The interesting part is this, that his wife is a doctor of ayurvedic medicine and Satara is the place in India which is considered to be the place of ayurvedic medicine and the place of medicine. Shri Mataji was in Satara, and when there She took the form of Shri Dhanvantari, the one who cures. When Shri Mataji gave this picture to this lady and told her it was Shri Dhanvantari, it shows She knows exactly which is every aspect She takes. No one knew I took this photo and no one knew I took it in Satara. So the story is full of coincidences.
Duilio Cartocci
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